Bæveren Bob lever et ensformigt liv, men en dag bliver der vendt op og ned på alting, da den eventyrlystne kat, Max, banker på hans dør. Max flytter ind og pludselig dukker der også et rumskib med små rumvæsener op! Sammen må Bob og Max begive sig på en farlig mission for at redde deres nye uskyldige rumvenner, Zic, Zaca og Zuc, fra de onde rumvæsener ’Scratchers’, som er ude på at kidnappe dem og alle dyr på jorden.
One of the tails belong to Bob, who is a serious and dependable beaver and the other to Max, who is an adventurous cat, hoping to become famous one day. They are so different in temper but an unexpected coincidence gathers them for a life saving mission. Max comes across Bob’s hollow, while searching for a shelter during a tempest in the forest. Rescued by the beaver, our cat finds a best friend to spend wonderful time with. However, their peaceful living is abruptly interrupted by an attack from the outer space. A bunch of evil aliens invade Earth, more precisely the forest of our good friends and kidnap their animal neighbours. In these troubled times for the forest, it is Bob and Max who embark on a trip to rescue their friends.