" Katten Felix er en killing, der bor i den travle kinesiske storby Chongqing med sin far katten Buller. Men Felix er ikke lige så magelig som sin far og lyster efter nye og spændende eventyr. Han begiver sig derfor ud på en rejse for at finde det sagnomspundne Kattopia, hvor han håber at møde sin mor. Felix på Eventyr fortæller en varm og sjov historie om at vokse op, blive væk og finde sammen. Filmer er skabt af det kinesiske animationsfirma Light Chaser Animation og ifølge medstifter og executive producer Zhou Yu, så er filmen inspireret af instruktør Gary Wangs egen katte. Filmen får dansk biografpræmiere den 12. september. "
The flame of adventure is burning so strong in some of us that we are ready to leave everything behind, including our relatives and friends. Meet Felix, a cute but brave kitten who has never been far from home. He is living a comfortable but dull life with his father Buller in a nice apartment. As the time goes by, the curiosity of Felix to what’s out there urges him to create a flying machine. Eventually, our young explorer flies out of the window to see the world, leaving his father and the parrot Arald in amazement. Duty calls and Buller, although having get used to the safe place his living in, embarks on a mission to save his son. As it often happens in life, the world is full of miracles and beauty, but also with enemies and pain. Will father and son find the way back to each other, the way back to their home?