" Størstedelen af os har vores telefon på os det meste af tiden. Den er vores vækkeur, lommelygte, musikafspiller, minicomputer og nå ja – telefon. Men hvornår bliver det for meget? ’Jexi’ handler om Phil, der er totalt afhængig af sin telefon, og ikke har noget nævneværdigt socialt liv. Derfor tænker han heller ikke to gange, før han installerer en ny virtuel assistent ved navn Jexi. Jexi er bare lidt anderledes end Siri og Alexa og snart må Phil vælge mellem sit liv og sin telefon. Filmen er instrueret af duoen Jon Lucas and Scott Moore, der tidligere har stået bag ’Bad Moms’ filmene og som har skrevet manuskript til Tømmermænd i Vegas. "
Do you know someone, obsessed with their phone? Or are you helplessly attached to you mobile device to a degree that your friends or relatives get regularly annoyed by you? Then this film is for you, my friend. Adam Devine is Phil - a cute guy with not so many friends and with shitty job who developed an embarrassing dependency to Jexi. She is smart, she predicts all his needs, but she is … an AI feature to his upgraded phone. At first she is the reason Phil’s life to became way better on all levels. However, when he tries to use her services less, Jexi turns into a revengeful virtual bitch. While Phil may learn how to live without Jexi, it becomes obvious that it is Jexi whose existence without Phil is meaningless. Although this comedy will make you laugh, it will also give you a food for thought.