" Stephen King har stået bag utallige fantastisk gys, men en af hans mest kendte bøger er nok The Shining (Ondskabens Hotel). I 2013 udkom King med en opfølger ved navn Doctor Sleep, som nu bliver filmatiseret. Filmen foregår 40 år efter de grusomme hændelser på hotellet og følger drengen Danny, som er blevet voksen, men kæmper med både alkoholisme og sine særlige kræfter. Filmen er instrueret af Mike Flanagan, der tidligere har stået bag Geralds Farlige Leg og Oculus, og som har nydt at genbesøge Stanley Kubricks univers, men dog ikke vil sige for meget: ”Jeg vil ikke spolere i hvilket omfang og hvilke ting, udover dem I allerede kan se nu, som vi har været i stand til at genbesøge fra Kubricks verden.”. Filmen får dansk biografpremiere den 7. november. "
Decades after the events of Stephen King’s horror classics “The Shining”, Danny Torrance (Ewan McGregor) is still traumatised by the ordeal he had to go through as a child. He is not alone in his suffering, however. Abra is a young girl who possess the “shine” - extrasensory powers as strong as Dan’s. She is at war with a terrifying cult. They call themselves “The True Knot” and their purpose in life is to find as much innocents as possible and feed off their “shine”. Indoctrinated by their relentless leader - Rose the Hat, the followers of the cult are indoctrinated to believe that through the “shine” they will achieve immortality. Desperate to get any help she could find, Abra finds Dan and together the unusual tandem crusades against Rose and her supporters. Visually created in the style of the Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 classic, “Doctor Sleep” with leave you sleepless.