Den Oscar-vindende instruktør Luc Jacquet (”Pingvinmarchen”, 2005) vender i denne dokumentarfilm tilbage til Antarktis og skildrer den franske pioner og glaciolog Claude Lorius’ vigtigste videnskabelige opdagelser. Franskmanden var den første, som beviste den menneskelige aktivitets indvirkning på den globale opvarmning.
“Science allowed me to see the future. So let me tell you what I saw”. When Claude Lorius, the eminent French glaciologist, started studying Antarctic ice back in 1957, he hasn’t expected to be the first scientist, concerned about global warming on planet Earth. Since 1965, Lorious has put a lot of efforts, trying to warn the world about the devastating consequences of climate change. The respectful glaciologist has participated in more than 20 polar expeditions and has organized international collaborations of extremely high significance for the humanity. There is probably no better choice than 'March of the Penguins' director Luc Jacquet to create a portrait of this incredible scientist.