Shaka (2018)

| Documentary, Sport | IMDB

Manuskript af:

Morgan le Faucheur



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Not Rated

Surf Film: Shaka

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Film Nyheder


På board i sne og på bølger

" Hvad gør man, når man har vundet det meste inden for sin sport og er på udkig efter nye udfordringer? Mathieu Crepel har flere gange vundet verdensmesterskaberne i snowboarding, men nu har han kastet sig over sin anden passion, surfing. I dokumentarfilmen ’Shaka’ følger vi Mathieu mens han træner og udfordrer sig selv indtil han står foran den ultimative bølge, Jaws-bølgen ved Jaws Beach, Hawaii. På turen møder vi legender inden for både surf og snowboarding så som Koa og Eddie Rothman, Guillaume Nery, Kepa Acero, Gerry Lopez, Victor Daviet og Nathan Fletcher, mens baggrunden står på majestætiske bjerge og skrækindjagende bølger. "






‘Shaka’ is about following your dreams. Snowboarding world champ Mathieu Crepel from France has a dream of its own: To surf the worlds heaviest big wave spot, known as Jaws on Maui, Hawaii. To achieve his goal he settles down on the island of O’ahu, where he gets in the way of some of the heaviest North Shore locals, such as Eddie Rothman. First the Hawaiians call the frenchie crazy, but soon they realize, that Mathieu does not back down – he drops in at Pipeline, trains Apnoe diving, swims with sharks. The Rothmans take him under their wing and Mat can count on the help of Koa Rothman, Nathan Fletcher and other Pipe Charger. Now he must conquer his own fear, to surf the most challenging waves known to man…




Trailer 1

Film Nyheder


On board in snow and waves

" What do you do, when you’ve won the most in your sport and are looking for new challenges? Mathieu Crepel have won several world championships in snowboarding, but now he has turned to his other passion, surfing. In the documentary ‘Shaka’ we follow Mathieu while he trains and challenge himself until he stands before the ultimate wave, Jaws, on the Jaws beach, Hawaii. On the way we meet legends of both surf and snowboarding such as Koa and Eddie Rothman, Guillaume Nery, Kepa Acero, Gerry Lopez, Victor Daviet and Nathan Fletcher, while the backdrop covered in majestic mountains and terrifying waves. "