Little Women (2019)

| Drama, Romance | IMDB




Greta Gerwig

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Little Women

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Film Nyheder


Skal du også se Little Women?

" ’Little Women’ byger på Louisa May Alcotts roman af samme navn og handler om de fire March-søstre Meg, Jo, Beth og Amy. Filmen var nomineret til hele seks Oscars og den foregår lige omkring den amerikanske borgerkrig. Alle fire søstre kæmper for at blive anerkendt som selvstændige mennesker i en tid hvor kvinder primært var nogen kone eller mor, fremfor en person i egen ret. ’Little Women’ er stopfyldt med store skuespillere og går i danske biografer netop nu. "


Juni premierer

" Nu hvor de fleste biografer er ved at været åbnet, er der masser at se frem til. Selvom mange film har fået flyttet deres premieredatoer kommer der faktisk stadig masser af nye film i biffen. I juni kommer der både film for de største og de mindste, bl.a.: Little Women, Pelle Haleløs, SamSam, Brahms: The Boy 2, The Kindness of Strangers, Blokhavn, Kaptajn Sabeltand og den magiske diamant og Sangklubben. "


Ingen vært til årets Oscars

" Efter Oscarshowet sidste år kørte af stablen uden en vært, har Oscar Akademiet besluttet at gentage succesen. Showet oplevede nemlig for først gang i fire år et stigende seertal. Lederen af tv-stationen ABC Television Entertainment Karey Burke, der står bag showet udtalte: ”Lad mig bekræfte det nu. Sammen med akademiet har vi besluttet, at der ikke bliver nogen traditionel vært i år”. Op til showet sidste år var der mange spekulationer om, hvem der skulle være vært, men uheldige tweets og rygter om at det var en utaknemmelig tjans gjorde, at Akademiet besluttede at lave en anden slags show med skiftende præsentationer og flere optrædener. Showet bliver afholdt den 9. februar. "



Little Women

Meet the March sisters - Emma Watson is Margaret “Meg”, Saoirse Ronan is Josephine “Jo”, Florence Pugh is Amy, and Eliza Scalen is Elizabeth “Beth”. The film is based on the beloved classical novel of Louisa May Alcott that was originally published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Jo March is the author’s alter ego, revealing what it takes to live on your own terms in times when even thinking this way was considered rebellious. Three important topics are discussed through the adventures of the March family - domesticity, work, and, of course, true love. Louisa May Alcott/Jo writes the novel by order of her publisher who wanted her to create a story, suitable for girls. Naturally, his expectations of a happy ending were that all the girls are married by the last page. However, Jo has other plans for her life.




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Film Nyheder


Are you going to watch Little Women?

" ‘Little Women’ is based on Louisa May Alcott’s novel of the same name and revolves around the four March sisters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy. The movie was nominated for six Oscars and takes place around the American Civil War. All four sisters fight to be recognized as independent human beings in a time where women were primarily someone’s wife or mother instead of a person in their own right. ‘Little Women’ is filled with great actors and can be seen in Danish cinemas right now. "


June premieres

" Now that most cinemas in Denmark have more or less opened, there are lots to look forward to. Even though, many movies have had their premieres postponed, there are still plenty of new movies in the cinemas. In June will see movies for both older and young with the premieres of: Little Women, Pelle Haleløs, SamSam, Brahms: The Boy 2, The Kindness of Strangers, Blokhavn, Kaptajn Sabeltand og den magiske diamant and Military Wives. "


More movies get new premieres

" Just a couple of weeks ago movies with new premieres were bad new, because that meant, that we had to wait even longer. That has all changed now that the Danish cinemas have opened again, and therefore we can happily announce, that four movies have gotten now premieres. ’Little Women’ premieres on the 4. of June, ’Undtagelsen’ premieres on the 2. of July, ’Wild Rose’ premieres on the 23. of July and ’Vores Mand i Amerika’ premieres on the 13. of August. "


No host for this year’s Oscars

" After the Oscar Show last year took place without a host, the Oscar Academy has chosen to repeat the success, since the show experienced a rice in viewers for the first time in four years. The leader of the tv-network ABC Television Entertainment Karey Burke, who is behind the show said: “Let me confirm it now. Along with the Academy we have decided that there will not be a traditional host this year”. Leading up to the show last year there were many speculations as to who would host, but unfortunate tweets and rumors that it was an ungrateful job made the Academy decide to make a different kind of show with different presenters and more performances. The show will be held on the 9th of February. "