The Kitchen (2019)

| Action, Crime, Drama | IMDB

Manuskript af:

Andrea Berloff




Andrea Berloff

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Not Rated

The Kitchen

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Trailer 1

Film Nyheder


Da mafiaen blev overtaget af kvinder

" Andrea Berloff, der tidligere har skrevet manuskripter til bl.a. Straight Outta Compton har sat sig i instruktørstolen og er klar med sin første film. På rollelisten finder vi både store men også atypiske navne så som Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men, Handmaid’s Tale), Melissa McCarthy (Gilmore Girls, Bridesmaids) og Tiffany Haddish (The Carmichael Show, Girls Trip). Berloff har tidligere udtalt, at det var vigtigt for hende at finde skuespillere, der var talentfulde, men ikke nødvendigvis var arketyperne til den slags roller. Derudover fortalte hun, at: ”Jeg havde ikke bare lyst til at give dem en pistol i hånden og gøre dem til ”hårde piger”. Forhåbentlig er vi i en æra, hvor vi kan åbne samtalen om hvilken type kunst, der bliver lavet og hvem der får lov til at fortælle historier. Jeg er ikke interesseret i at se dem tage de samme gamle mande-historier, og så bare putte kvinder ind i de roller. Jeg er meget mere interesseret i at fortæller kvinders historier.”. "





The Kitchen

Don’t let the title of this film mislead you into thinking that it is in any way related to the culinary topic. Believe it or not, but this is actually a criminal drama. Set in the New York of the dramatic 1970s, “The Kitchen” follows the struggles of three women - Claire Walsh (Elisabeth Moss), Ruby O’Carroll (Tiffany Haddish), and Kathy Brennan (Melissa McCarthy. What is the common between these ladies? Except the fact that their husbands are all in prison ‘thanks’ to FBI, nothing. Until the need to take care of their families and pay the bills forces Claire, Ruby and Kathy to learn new skills. Well, it’n not like learning how to typewrite or how to cook a dinner for 10 guests, these are more specific skills. More how to kill people, how outsmart merciless gangsters and how to show that the place of women does not belong (only) in the kitchen. Not in the traditional meaning of this phrase, anyway.




Trailer 1