“Amerika, de vil have nogle at elske, de vil have nogle at hade!” Margot Robbie er sindssyg god som Tonya Harding, en af USA's bedste kunstskøjteløbere i 90´erne. Med en mor, som har været besat af Tonyas succes siden hendes tidlige barndom, og en voldelig ex-mand, er det ingen overraskelse, at de følgende begivenheder kræver FBI´s indblanding.
“America, they want someone to love, they want someone to hate!” Margot Robbie is insanely good as Tonya Harding, one of the best US ice skaters from the 90s. With a mother, obsessed in Tonya’s success since her early childhood, and an abusive ex-husband, it doesn’t come as a surprise that the following events require the interference of FBI.